
Kartik Sud Padvo. The first day of the Hindu New Year.

On this day rich and varied delicious, made from the freshly reaped crap of the New Harvest are offered tothe Lord, in the form of a decorative Annakoot. This symbolises our gratitude to God for providing us with the basic necessities required to sustain Life.

In HaridhamMandir very Large Annakoot of nearly 1500 items display is been arranged before every murti. Annakoot is the display of wide variety of foods in an attractive and artistic way. Over different varieties of food are decoratively arranged across feet wide. Sadhus, Sadhvis and dedicated devotees make these dishes early morning in Mandir. Very large no. of about 30,000 devotees every year come to participate celebration and for darshan of Annakoot and Prasad.

Prasad Vitran :-

These prasad is then packed in small boxes and small plastic bags in about lacs of nos. This prasad is then distributed to satsangis and may related people of cities and villages by the saints. It takes 10 to 15 days to cover all the areas.

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